Update your contact information

Maintaining accurate contact information for our members is important to the GMB, helping us keep you informed about the latest benefits and membership updates. There may also be times we need to ballot your vote, ask your opinion or inform you of important news affecting your industry or workplace, therefore it is very important to provide your email address

Any information updated here on this webform, is for collection and update by the region's membership department only.

This Contact Update webform is for members in GMB London Region only.

For information about how we use and store your information Legal & Privacy | GMB

Membership Rates

Grade 1

Full-time members of GMB are entitled to claim the higher benefit rates.

£14.88 per month
£3.43 per week

Grade 2

GMB members working part-time for 20 hours or less and GMB members under 18 years.

£8.48 per month
£1.96 per week
If you have retired or become unemployed please get in touch with your branch about the change to your employment status.

    Your contact information